Back in the USSR

Back in the USSR

I’ve been hard at work organizing travel photos to inspire future travel.  A lot has changed since these photos were taken in 1988 in Leningrad, Russia (now St. Petersburg).  Note the communist imagery and the absence of commercialism. Leningrad Leningrad (now St....
A Few Days In Seoul

A Few Days In Seoul

My last visit to Seoul was in 1987.  Dramatic changes have taken place in those 32 years, although many things remain the same. Seoul Bukchon (which means North Village) is a neighborhood largely comprised of traditional Korean houses called hanocks. ...
Discover Vietnam & Cambodia

Discover Vietnam & Cambodia

In December 2018, my husband, Rich, and I traveled to Vietnam and Cambodia.  Here are a few photos from the trip. Cham Hindu Temples, My Son, Vietnam The city of Hoi An is an historic trading port with Chinese, Japanese, and other influences. Hoi An, Vietnam Hue is...
Incredible South Africa

Incredible South Africa

Trying to pull together just a few photos to inspire trips to South Africa is a nearly impossible task.  Where do you start? African penguins!  These penguins are at the Stony Point Nature Reserve near the town of Betty’s Bay, South Africa.  The colony is located just...