Trying to pull together just a few photos to inspire trips to South Africa is a nearly impossible task.  Where do you start?

African penguins!  These penguins are at the Stony Point Nature Reserve near the town of Betty’s Bay, South Africa.  The colony is located just off the road between Gordon’s Bay and Hermanus in the Western Cape Province (which might be one of the most beautiful drives on the planet).  The Stony Point penguin colony is more remote than the more frequently visited Boulders Beach penguin colony near Cape Town south of Simon’s Town, but it’s just as amazing.

Betty’s Bay South Africa

How about Giraffes!  These photos were taken near Tanda Tula Safari Camp, Timbavati – Greater Kruger National Park (

Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa

Or Leopards?  This leopard wasn’t terribly interested in us or our Land Rover. Here are a few of the money shots.  These photos were also taken near Tanda Tula Safari Camp, Timbavati – Greater Kruger National Park (

Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa

Here is a quick peek at Cape Town situated at the base of Table Mountain as seen from Robben Island, South Africa.

Table Mountain

All photos by Jay Yokley

Source: @jayspassport | Published: March 21, 2020